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Original Songs

"An Altered Tilt" by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl

"As the Crow Flies" (For Leonard) by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl


"Awakening" by Joseph S. Lenzner

"Bali Excercise"

"Chante Melody" by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl

"Connections of the Heart" by Jamie S. Burch

"Create Your Path" by Judith Curtis

"Dancing Round" by Judith Curtis

"Daybreak" by Jamie Empert

"The Dean's Rondo" by Jon Romer

"Echo of a Dance" by Jack Ergo

"Fond Memory" by Judy Curtis

"Forever Begins Today" by Randy "Windtalker" Motz (Nakai TABlature and Finger-Chart Notation)

"Hermit Thrush Song" by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl

"Life's Flow'rs" by Jamie S. Burch

"Little Insen Bird" by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl

"A Little Prometheus Melody"

"The Long Journey" (Trail of Tears) by Jacquelyn G. Kleine

"Lullaby for Eliza" by Judy Curtis

"Lyrical Blue" by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl

"Mother Wolf" (Duet) by Jamie S. Burch

"Mountain Melody" by M. Kennedy

"Native Trails" by Scott August

"Remembering as a Beginning" by Jack Ergo

"Sydney's Tree, Opus 43" by Susan Schuster

"Walking in Beauty" by Tim Snode

"Western Screech Owl" by Judith Curtis

"Wind in the Pines" by Dr. Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl

"Winter Getaway" by Jeanne Lyle (Nakai TABlature System and Scott August Number Notation)

"Winter Wolf" by Jon Romer

"The Wisdom Keepers" by Joseph S. Lenzner

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