Celebrating the Musical and Cultural Expressions of the World's Indigenous and Folk Flute Traditions
Online Radio Programs
Description: Contemporary instrumental, Celtic, neoclassical, and vocal New Age radio
Description: A daily two-hour music soundscape, distributed by Public Radio International and broadcast on 130 radio stations from Maine to California. Echoes brings together a wide array of styles, from acoustic to electronic, jazz to space music, the avant-garde to rock.
Inner Splendor Music
Description: Slide into deep sleep with the sounds of the classical Indian flute. Allow our library of pure, tranquil, and effective recordings help you enjoy a natural state of peace. Take a moment to unwind and
tap into the joy of just being.
Journeyscapes Radio
Description: Featuring a chill blend of ambient, electronic, and atmospheric world music
The Music Instigator - William Arnold Podcast
Description: Performer interviews and music
Description: Your portal to the beauty and mystery of Native American music
Description: Featuring the Best New Age Musicians on the Planet; Submit your music
Night Tides - Host: Renée Blanche
Description: An eclectic blend of contemplative instrumental and electronic music that combines upbeat grooves and dubs with soothing melodies that whisper softly to the soul
Simply Folk - Host and Producer: Stephanie Elkins
Description: Plays a a wide variety of music, including Americana, traditional folk, roots, bluegrass, Celtic and Nordic traditional music, singer-songwriter, Wisconsin-based artists, and new releases; Wisconsin Public Radio
The Thistle & Shamrock
Description: Explores evolving music from Celtic roots in Europe and North America; Your weekly bridge between the established architects of Celtic roots music and the rising generation of musicians
Woodroot World Culture Music Radio
Description: Radio channels playing global music