Celebrating the Musical and Cultural Expressions of the World's Indigenous and Folk Flute Traditions

The World Flute Society is a dynamic and welcoming organization designed to be positive in approach, inclusive in nature, and musically and culturally beneficial to all world flutists, flute makers, and enthusiasts, regardless of playing level, music background, heritage, experience, or perspective. The objective of the World Flute Society is to actively engage its membership, bringing people together to generate enthusiastic involvement and fellowship with each other, as well as active participation in the organization, its publication, and sponsored events.
The World Flute Society is attentive to the needs and wishes of its membership. The organization and its membership are not divergent entities; rather, the goal is to create a symbiotic relationship, working together toward the creation of a mutually beneficial alliance, as well as a publication that is perceptive, forward-looking, inclusive, and inspired. The World Flute Society is an organization that embraces and brings together many people, from all walks of life. The World Flute Society aspires to create a socially, culturally, and musically relevant and comprehensive organization and publication that is advantageous to all world flutists, flute makers, and enthusiasts!
Welcome to all!
Please join us and be a part of the new flute generation!
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit: #46-2999549